
Water Pokémon Enamel Pins

Created by Brandon Coles

Water Type Pokémon Pins

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Update
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 11:55:53 PM

Hey guys, just wanted to make a quick little update as it's been awhile and I have a few things to share! So one thing that kinda of sucks is unfortunately the Milotic pin will not have glitter anymore. The manufacturer got back to me and basically said I needed to choose between the recessed metal, or the glitter, as they were conflicting with each other. I chose the metal because I designed the pin around that, and thought it to be more integral to the design. Not the end of the world by any means, but I feel bad because we said it would have glitter, and also I just wanted it to haha. 

Other than that though, the restocks are coming in first and will be here probably in the next week or something, which means they will be back on the Etsy Shop as well! Giratina, Gengar, and a few others have been sold out over there but most of them will be returning once we get the packages! The new pins should be starting their own production now that the restocks are done, and we're on track for our original goals! 

Another thing is the Pre-Order store won't be open much longer! Maybe a few weeks, but once we get those new pins shipped, we're closing it down, so don't miss out if you need it! Also 12 people still need to answer surveys, if that's you and you still haven't gotten a survey please let me know so I can get it to you! 

Thanks again for everything guys, this is exciting stuff!! :D HAPPY HOLIDAYS

Christmas Sale, Pin Update, and Pre-Orders???
over 2 years ago – Sat, Dec 04, 2021 at 11:15:22 PM

Hey guys! It's been a little bit since the last update, but I have enough again to make a new one finally! :D 

First of all, as far as the Kickstarter goes, the pins are all payed for and have started production! Everything seems to be going great in that regard! The one thing is I think I undercharged for how crazy detailed these new guys are 😅 Which means we're starting to finally get to that point where I might not be able to get restocks of every pin from here on out. Might finally be time to start retiring some of the older ones temporarily, if not permanently. We'll figure that out when we get there, but that also means if you've been eyeing a certain one or want the whole set, make sure you don't miss out!!

This also relates to my second reason for making this update, me and SpectrolteAAA are running a HUGEChristmas sale over on our Etsy Shop!! EVERYTHING IS 15% OFF, even things that were already on clearance haha. It's going to run until the 5th of December, so don't miss it! Especially because things are flying off the shelves and we're running out of stock FAST. At least 3 Ghost Pokemon have already ran out,  and the rest are not far behind haha.

The last thing is, since the Kickstarter is going along so fast, the pre-order store will not be open for much longer! If you have friends who missed out or you yourself missed out, the pre-order store will only be open for the next 40 days or so. So don't miss out!! 

Also quick reminder for those who haven't filled out surveys yet to email me or message me if you haven't gotten it! 

Thank you guys again for everything, and have a great holiday season! 

Smoke Test Sent Out!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 08:36:54 AM

Super Quick Update for the Gamers

Just sent the smoke test out! What that means is about 14 got an email for their surveys, and once those are filled out with no issues in about the next 10 days or so, that's when everyone else gets their surveys as well! 

So make sure to not only double check if you got your survey early, but also double check pledges and make sure you don't have declined cards (I think there's still about 9 people with errored cards)!

Also another reminder that the pre-order store is available now! If you missed out on the Kickstarter and still want to get the discounted Water Pin prices, the pre-order store is your only hope now!! It'll up for a bit longer, but once I know the counts of everything it'll likely close then! Those who got a pledge in on the KS won't need the Pre-Order store however, as you can just add-on as many pins as you want when you fill out your survey!

And finally again my email is [email protected] if you have any questions or issues!

over 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 06, 2021 at 04:25:31 AM

The Kickstarter is officially over!! And WOW we hit $10K even without a goal for it?? Not only that but we surpassed the Fire Kickstarter by about $500!! THAT'S CRAZY!!! Also sorry for the late update, I woke up a bit late and also was setting up the PRE-ORDER STORE all day haha. If you missed out on the Kickstarter, don't worry!The Pre-Order Store just launched and not only can you get all the Water Pins there, but all the previous Poke Pins we've made are there for pre-ordering as well! 

As far as surveys go, I'll be sending those out very soon, Backerkit takes about a week or two for surveys to be ready, so be prepared! Also make sure you're cards didn't get declined, I think about 15 people had declined cards haha. 

I know I mentioned briefly I'd like to make something special as a goal for hitting $10K, and while nothing is concrete yet, I do have an idea and will most likely be including that as a thank you for everyone who backed the project! 

This will be the last update for a bit until the surveys go out, so I just wanted to thank you all again for making each and every Kickstarter bigger and better than the last, you guys are the reason I can do this! It means the world! Also, if anyone has any issues or questions at all, please feel free to message me either here on Kickstarter or my email [email protected]! Also be sure to follow on Twitter for minor updates or future projects, my Etsy Shop,  twitch, and my community discord

over 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 05, 2021 at 01:27:23 PM


The Kickstarter is officially finished!! We have now unlocked all the pins! Thank you guys again so much for this whole thing, this has been an amazing project! I'm glad people seem to like the Lapras and Friends haha. Only 30 hours left from the time of me posting this!!

I also wanted to include another version of the Lapras image with darker lines so you can get a better look at the details! The plating I chose is a similar color to the colors I used for the pin, so the mock-up image can be hard to tell what's there, but rest assured, if you've seen any of my pins before they are VERY DIFFERENT in person haha. That's just how it is when we're working with reflective materials haha. 

also features remoraid, corsola, poliwag, and aipom!

Also don't forget those who get 3 or more Water Pokemon Pins will receive the Water Stone pin for free, and those who pledge for 5 or more pins will get both the Water Stone AND the Wooper Pin for free!! Even though you'll be able to purchase these pins on the pre-order store afterwards, and even on my Etsy Shop later, this deal will only last for those who pledge before the kickstarter ends!!! 

I would've liked to make a $10K goal for a lanyard or something fun, but unfortunately this has been a very busy month and I'm not sure if we made enough fast enough for something like that with so little time left. 😅 Who knows maybe if reach that I'll do it anyways as a freebie for everyone or make it an item on the Etsy Shop later on. Maybe if you guys go crazy and surpass the Fire Pokémon Kickstarter I'll figure something out xD. Either way thank you guys again for everything <3